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Undergraduate Admissions

Conduct History Review Committee Policy

The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe environment for its students, faculty, and staff. To promote this environment, the University established the Conduct History Review Committee Policy.


Applicants are required to identify any prior disciplinary history on their admission or readmission application.  Similarly, admitted students are required to disclose the assignment of disciplinary action assigned subsequent to the submission of their application to the respective office, based on the student's application type.   Applicants are instructed to identify any disciplinary history for academic or behavioral misconduct from point of application through matriculation, and it is their responsibility to supply any additional follow-up information that is requested, including the following:

  • A statement explaining the circumstances of each instance of discipline;
  • Any documents the applicant believes relevant or helpful; and
  • Certification of disciplinary history from previous institution(s).

Applicants are advised that their application or matriculation to UConn is not complete until all information related to disciplinary history is provided to the University, and that it is their responsibility to obtain and provide requested records and documents.  Failure to provide truthful responses on the application and/or supporting material may result in revocation of admission and/or disciplinary action by the University.

Upon receipt of proper documentation, the appropriate admissions authority will conduct a preliminary review. Preliminary review may result in determining the applicant is able to enter the university community without restriction and therefore may move forward through the appropriate admissions process.

All other applicants shall be referred to the CHRC Chairs for full committee review.

Committee Review Process

CHRC will review the relevant information to decide as to whether an applicant with disciplinary history is eligible for admission, and the conditions associated with enrollment, if any.  Such a determination shall be made only after considering the nature of the misconduct and its relationship to the program for which the applicant has applied; information pertaining to the degree of rehabilitation of the applicant; the time elapsed since the misconduct; the essay and other information provided by the applicant; and any other factors deemed relevant by the CHRC.  The CHRC will include, as necessary and on an ad hoc basis, a representative from the school or program to which the applicant seeks admission so that the CHRC has the benefit of that input and any program-specific considerations. The CHRC will also have the ability to request additional information from and/or interview with the applicant as deemed relevant by the CHRC.

The findings of the CHRC will be communicated to the applicant by the appropriate office:

  • Entering Undergraduates: Undergraduate Admissions
  • Entering BGS: ACES
  • Returning Undergraduates seeking readmission: Dean of Students Office
  • Graduate Students: Dean of The Graduate School
  • Entering Non-Degree: Registrar

The findings of the CHRC are final and not subject to appeal.

Failure to Disclose

If an applicant fails to disclose prior disciplinary action for academic or behavioral misconduct on their application for admission or fails to disclose to the University disciplinary action for academic or behavioral misconduct assigned after application but prior to matriculation, the University may rescind admission based solely on that failure to disclose.


  • Dean of the Graduate School, and/or designee (Chair)
  • Director of Undergraduate Admissions, and/or designee (Chair)
  • Dean of Students, and/or designee
  • Director of Community Standards, and/or designee
  • General Counsel, and/or designee (advisory capacity only, attends on as needed basis)
  • Chief of Police, and/or designee
  • Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, and/or designee


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

Policy History

Policy created: 6/26/2015 (Approved by leadership in Enrollment Management, Student Life, and Graduate School)

Revisions: 8/15/22 (Approved by University Senior Policy Council)